Part XXVIII – Isolation Spectrum

Kirsten at Setting the Barre has noted that some days in isolation are harder than others. I can confirm that that’s the case.

I slept pretty well Monday night, waking once. The day started well too, with a good leg-rejuvenating barre session.

Unfortunately, the wellbeing bus smashed into the brick wall of … well … no, I don’t have a metaphor to finish this. It just hit a brick wall. And it did it when I sparked up Outlook to start work for the day. The truth is I just stared at the screen for almost half an hour, sometimes resting my forehead in my hands, completely and utterly out of ideas for how to get any work done. I decided to reboot with a meditation session, using a couple of Daily Calms from the Calm app and felt much better for it.

I pushed through the morning (phone call heavy) and then went down to the chemist at lunch hour for my tablets. Which tablets? Well, let’s just say that the parody of their add is one of the funniest I know and criminally underviewed.

I plugged through the afternoon to 6:30. I’d arranged to head out for a run with Michael, one of the housemates, going the 12-or-so kilometres to Balaclava Station. We made good time, but for a quick pitstop just near where the studios for Fox FM always used to be. Incidentally, Fox FM always used to have one of the best logos in radio –

Image from here

Running with Michael is actually a great experience for me. He’s not an experienced runner (needs to get his breathing more controlled) but he’s about a decade younger than me so he can keep a pace that I have to work hard to match. He has the mistaken impression I’m a decent runner; I’m actually getting more from our runs than he is!

In the event, it was a great run down to Balaclava, with a good pace even allowing for pitstop.

I slept well the night post-run – better than I thought I would – and woke up with energy and a bundle of focus. I got through a decent amount of work today (well, actually, two things, but one was a fairly detailed brief) and feel much more like myself again.

Isolation life is basically a rollercoaster where you never leave the room.